Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size,
numbers in front of picture descriptions are
serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants
who all contributed to the making of these pictures;
Janez Kanoni - Žan, Metod Di Batista, Marjan Baričič, Rok Brajkovič - Brajko, Jure Trenz,
Marjan Juvan - Manč, Nataša and Jernej Petrovčič - Jerko, Matej
Blatnik - who determined the flower in the picture 35857.
Due to a play of unfavorable circumstances the photographer could not
descend into the cave to document the latest discovery - Metod and
Marjan, today's excavation team, have hit the zone of loosely connected rocks.
The tunnel, so far dug into solid stone, has now reached the collapse,
with a promise of larger space and easier digging.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2017.
35857. A composition in green, white and pink: blossoms of great masterwort, Astrantia major, veliki zali kobulček in Slovenian
35858. Jure and Brajko
35859. Peeking into the narrow shaft - it is almost 40 meters deep but only Manč managed to get to the bottom, in the sixties of the past century.
35860. Checking the air current direction with a fistful of dust - it was blowing towards the inside.
35861. View of the entrance interior from the outside; the cave is currently excavated by another team, visitors from the north.
35862. Climb towards the upper tunnel, at the northern side of the entrance chamber
35863. On top there is a sphinx-like concretion.
35864. Descent from the upper tunnel
35865. View out through the entrance
35866. Brajko, resting in the hunting stand
35868. Good old pals - Manč and Metod
35867. Snack time: cooked potatoes, carrot and apple, its water, beetroot salad, garlic by Jure, maize bread, pear and apricot jam
35869. Brajko was baking chicken ražnjići - Marjan is passing by in the background.
35870. Marjan, Nataša, Jerko and Brajko at the barbecue
35871. Jerko was absent for just a few moments, yet enough that his chicken wings were not medium baked but well done.
35872. The last two chicken wings and a fresh batch of non-poultry pieces, baked by Marjan
35873. Late afternoon sun is setting behind the sparse beech tree.
Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 45, June 14 Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 47, June 28
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
send inquiries and comments to
primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on June 21, 2017; date of last change: June 30.