Most images are approximately 683 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participants who contributed to the making of these pictures and related persons: Janez Kanoni - Žan, Metod Di Batista and Alenka Terlep - Lenča, Marjan Baričič and Matija Perne, Gregor Pintar - Stari and Marina Pintar, Marko Vogrič - Mare and Branka Hlad, Polona Planina, Janez Ileršič - Ile, Jure Trenz, Anton Brancelj - Ižanc, Marko Krašovec, Jurij Kunaver - Vili, Miran Marussig, Marjeta Zajc - Tačka, Jože Pirnat - Jozl, Riko and Rok Grecs, Marjan Juvan - Manč, Andrej Baraga, Janez Modrijan - Modrc, Joerg Prestor - Čebela, France Šušteršič, Matej Blatnik, Jaroš Obu and Tjaša Vezovnik.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2017, except MB-1-Kanin-2017-12-22 where credits go to Marjan Baričič - published here with his premission.
38048. View of the shelter from the north
38043. Benjamins of the evening (both born in the last thirties of the past millenium) - Miran and Vili, proud of the past accomplishments but also aware of how serious are the current times ...
38044. ... and merry for the fact that age has hidden benefits, too - sources of joy beyond imagination of the younger generations ...
38047. Soon the lottery of the presents everybody brought has begun. Žan had a small bag with numbered white balls which corresponded to the number labels on the present - and everybody had an opportunity to pick his ball from the bag, passed it to Žan, who examined and approved it - and Jozl went out to fetch the actual present (in the picture). If Žan, familiar with the presents, estimated that the person in question picked the wrong number, the person was asked to make the selection again - or, in extreme case of repeated wrong selection, was given the proper ball by Žan himself.
38045. The presents were laid on the table outside the northern door ...
38046. ... and on the bench below the hunting tower.
38049. Jure had to depart early.
38050. Fireworks followed - single burst ...
38051. ... twin coloured ...
38052. ... and with multiple bursts
38063. Gregor, in charge of the barbecue, made a moderate open fire ...
38053. ... which produced the heating base for a variety of well done and medium baked delicacies.
38054. Riko observed the fireworks from the hunting tower ...
38055. ... from where he descended to join Rok at the side of the New Year's tree. It is a Serbian spruce, Picea omorika, Pančičeva omorika in Slovenian, planted (in secret) by Joerg in front of the northern shelter door some time ago.
A photo presentation by Klok followed, with about 40 vintage photos from the veterans' archives selected by Metod, and about 50 from Klok's archive - 3 from the latter group are shown here. Picture above: Tačka and Jozl in Babni dol, around 1967 ...
... Čebela in the entrance hall of Planinska jama cave, around 1980 ...
... and Marjan below the climbing wall in Vranja jama, 2004
38056. Žan, navy and ...
38057. ... witty as always, on this occasion he donned a special cooking chef hat
38058. The party at the table, everybody evidently having a good time: Mare, Tačka, Vili, Ile, Jozl, Riko, Rok, Polona, Gregor (peeking through the window), Manč and Modrc (body only)
38062. Soon another performance followed, again by Žan, who ...
38059. ... recited erotic poetry by the leading Slovenian master, France Prešeren ...
38060. ... to amusement of all.
38061. Closer to the fireplace (to the left, not shown) it was even more cozy: Ižanc, Metod and Manč
38064. A wider view of the shelter from the southwest ...
38065. ... and a closer view
38066. Some time later a younger, most welcome trio of DZRJL members joined the party, so-called "future veterans": Matej, Tjaša and Jaroš.
MB-1-Kanin-2017-12-22. And whom did we miss most? Certainly Marjan, who lent a helping hand to the prime New Year 2018 DZRJL caving venture, on Mt. Kanin. The party of 4 guys and 3 girls, depicted in this Marjan's photo, is part of the team that went on a mission to connect two high mountain systems, both over 1.000 m in depth: Renetovo brezno (René Abyss) and Brezno rumenega maka - P4 (The Abyss of the Yellow Poppy - P4). What wish could one have here? That Marjan had a whistle at hand when taking this picture - now we only recognize Matija, but one blow would also turn everybody else around ...
Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 67, December 14 Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 68, December 28
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
send inquiries and comments to
primoz jakopin guest arnes si (insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on December 23, 2017; date of last change: December 31.