Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Full names of most exposed persons: Metod Di Batista, Jure Košutnik - Ðuro (DZRJL President), Matija Perne, Behare Rexhepi - Beki and Jure Bevc, Primož Presetnik - Pipistrel, Jaka Flis and Teja Čeru, Matic di Batista - Diba, Blaž Dovžan - Laverdist, Riko and Rok Grecs, Rafko Urankar - Cile, Tomaž Krajnc - Garmin and Aleksandra Krajnc - Jerca, Matej and Lojze Blatnik, Andrej Drevenšek - Vrtnar, Gregor Pintar - Stari, Marjan Baričič, Marjan Juvan - Manč, Janez Modrijan - Modrc, Anton Brancelj - Ižanc, Nataša Sivec, Aja Zamolo, Uroš Kunaver.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2018.
39228. The meeting presidium: Cile, Gregor and Nataša
39229. President's 2017 report ...
39230. ... in front of a large, interested and caring audience
39237. Matej, in his traditional role of society's secretary, delivered a concise yet all-inclusive overview.
39238. Jerca (here seen with Aja and Modrc), editor of the society's annual publication, Glas podzemlja, also of the factory fresh 2018 issue, during her report.
39239. Pipistrel brought a statistical overview of the measurable activities, including number of research points gathered in the past year, with top list of most successful members. It was interspersed with some witty remarks ...
39245. ... which found a favourable echo, ...
39235. ... especially in the last row.
39240. Uroš's report dealt with education topics.
39242. Špela, here seen with Matic and Aja, during the outline of cave and environment protection problems
39243. Information technology report was given by Nataša.
39234. Deep in thoughts ... Andrej and Rok
39244. The last to report was Matija, head of the Commission for the quality of air in the shelter. Temporary commission, established in 2017, did a very good job. After some scientific data collection and the related brainstorming an air dehumidifier was purchased. It radically decreased not only the air humidity but also the electricity bill, to one third of the pre-installation figure. Meeting continued with the election of the president and other governing bodies of DZRJL. The proven 2017 team, including the president, will continue to be of service throughout the 2018, too.
39231, 39232, 39233. Garmin was not quite convinced at first ... later he was more relaxed ... and finally most approving (of what he saw and heard).
39246. The meeting ended in the spirit of perfect harmony.
Radošca / Radoshitza Cave, Day 72, March 1 Mačkovica Cave, March 7
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin;
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Page initiated on March 11, 2018; date of the last change: March 14, 2018.