Most images are approximately 768 x 1024 pixels in size, numbers in front of the picture descriptions are serial numbers of the original photo files. Event participant, who contributed to the making of these pictures: Janez Kanoni - Žan.
Pictures photo and copyright (c) Primož Jakopin - Klok 2020.
47977. View upstream from the road bridge over Malenščica
47978. A tongue of forget-me-nots on the downstream side of the bridge
47980. View of the Unica river bed from the trail bridge ...
47979. ... and a wider view of the canyon south of the cave entrance
47982. The entrance, inside out, with the sand bank in the river bed ...
47981. ... and here in a closer view
47984. View towards the entrance from the bridge after the cave gate. Taken by available light and painting with light from the extreme left side using a hand held LED torch powered by 4 AAA batteries. Camera used was a modern version of pinhole camera, as for all other pictures on this page, one of the top phone cameras in 2019, designed by a brand known for usage of high-grade glass since 1869. A tripod was used and the exposure settings were ISO 50, f 1.6, 30 seconds.
47986. A pool and a stream down the dripstone wall, below Tiha jama cave tunnel
47988. There is an aquarium at the northern side of the tunnel, before Sotočje (Confluence) of Pivka and Rak rivers. It contains two natural-sized PVC replicas of olms, Europe's only cave-dwelling vertebrate.
47989. View of the trail past the Šmidlov prehod passage ...
47990. ... and a view back through the passage.
47991. Downstream view from the Sotočje bridge ...
47992. ... and a closer view where the camera was turned straight down towards the Pivka river surface. Illuminated by two Metz 45 flash strobes at half power, one from the left and one from the right, also oriented to the water surface. Note a square object at the bottom, what would it be?
47993. Available light view of the wall on the other side of the passage closer to the entrance
47994. The water level was low - over the dam in the entrance Unica was just trickling and the stream, lower center on the picture, a leak of the canal which leads to the hydro power plant, is also just a few liters per second.
Related posts:
Orleška kraljica krasa Cave, July 15
Koko's Passage in Vranja jama Cave IV, August 5
This page, text and photos by Primož Jakopin,
member of the Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society (DZRJL), except where stated otherwise.
Send inquiries and comments to primoz jakopin guest arnes si
(insert dots and at sign as appropriate).
Page initiated on August 4, 2020; date of the last change: August 21, 2020.