Primož Jakopin, photo diary

Tunisia, June 8 till June 22, 2006

There are 164 images, 266 x 400 pixels, some can be enlarged to 533 x 800. Descriptions begin with serial numbers of original images (2048 x 3072 pixels). Copyright (c) Primož Jakopin 2006.
          The author would like to thank the members of L'Association Randonnée et Environnement de Zaghouan et son Club de Spéléologie (Speleo Group Zaghouan,, to DRUŠTVO ZA RAZISKOVANJE JAM LJUBLJANA (Speleo Group Ljubljana, as well as all the others who have helped in the making of these pictures.

  1. Zaghouan and Grotte Préhistorique
  2. Ain Zekindjouf
  3. Djorf, Ksar Ghilane
  4. Ain Essbat
  5. From Tataouine to Douz and Chott el Fejaj
  6. Skhira, Cap Bon

I - Zaghouan and Grotte Préhistorique  

This page and the photos by Primož Jakopin; send inquiries and comments to Page started on July 20, 2006; date of last change February 23, 2007.

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